What to Expect with the 7, 14, or 21-Day Functional Medicine Detox

We often hear the word detox and instantly imagine starving for a duration of a time in order to lose weight. This assumption could not be further from the truth. While there are certain levels to a functional medicine detox and, yes, hypocaloric intake is one, we are more focused on adding in all the amazing foods that will naturally detox, nourish, and satisfy your body while potentially experiencing weight loss as an added benefit. The goal, however, is removal of the harmful toxins storing themselves in your fat cells that are causing your weight gain and unwell body as a whole.

So, you are probably wondering, “What should I expect?!!”

I am now going to breakdown the 7-days to provide clarity where some confusion and uncertainty may lie.

Days 1 and 2: “Shake Fast” to Optimize Detoxification

These two days are no question the most challenging, especially the first time you do this detox. However, as I always tell my community group detox participants, “this is where the magic happens.” You will be living in a hypocaloric state over the course of two days, drinking the provided Daily Nutritional Shake in just the right portion to provide your body with the vital nutrients and amino acids for detoxification to occur while allowing your body to remain in a “fasting” state to reap the benefits of autophagy. Autophagy is when the body uses dying or diseased debris for fuel as a way to “clean house” while not taking in any more toxins during the process. During the first two days, you will really begin slashing inflammation!

8 am: 1/2 portion Daily Nutritional Shake Smoothie

11:30 am: 1/2 portion Daily Nutritional Shake Smoothie

3:00 pm: 1/2 portion Daily Nutritional Shake Smoothie

6:30 pm: 1/2 portion Daily Nutritional Shake Smoothie

Days 3-7: Two Meals, Two Shakes

Starting on day 3, you will begin adding back in healthy, anti-inflammatory, whole-food-based meals along with two shakes a day. The kit comes with very detailed instructions so you will not be lost with WHEN, WHAT, and HOW MUCH to eat at each meal and snack. The times, foods to include, and quantities are all provided! The most laid out detox I have ever participated in, personally. Structured yet with room to choose what you want to eat as long as it is part of the foods to include list.

8 am: Full Size Daily Nutritional Shake Smoothie + Your supplements

11:30 am: Vegan/Vegetarian Lunch

3:00 pm: Full Size Daily Nutritional Shake Smoothie

6:30 pm: Vegan/Vegetarian/or Animal Protein Dinner

In addition to the meals, you will be adding in two very specific, all-natural herb and botanical supplements at breakfast and dinner that will aid in the body’s removal of toxic build-up. One is a Functional Medicine Detox Supplement and the other is an Ayurvedic Detox supplement. You can learn more about the entire 7-Day Dr. Cabral Detox here.

It’s very explanatory yet when you join me in my Community Seasonal Detox, I will make sure you receive all the information you will need as well as provide continued health coaching support in a private Facebook group. A recipe guide for each season will be provided as well.

So, who is ready to join me in my next community seasonal detox?!