Why I Do What I Do

Hi! my name is Amy. I love green smoothies, running, and my morning routine of meditation and personal development reading. In a nutshell, I love feeling healthy, calm, and full of inspiration. But there was a time in which I felt anything but healthy and inspired.

When I was 36 years old, my body began failing me, despite what it looked like on the outside. My hormones were completely out of whack, my hair was falling out, I began experiencing anxiety and panic attacks daily, and I barely had enough energy to get me through my day. My social life tanked right along with my health. I was young and single living in the Chicago suburbs and should have been living it up, but, instead, I only wanted to rest and recharge. How was that for a life?

I finally became so desperate for answers that I made an appointment with my doctor. He spent a total of 15 minutes repeating my symptoms back to me only to tell me I needed to “relax more” and “here is a prescription for Celexa. It will help take the edge off a bit.”

Thank God I did my research. When I read all of those side effects, I refused to put something of that nature into my body. I am not saying antidepressants or anti-anxiety meds are not necessary for anyone. I understand some people truly may need them in certain circumstances. But I was convinced this was not the case for me. I knew there was some underlying issue that was being overlooked. And that’s when I researched even more. I trusted my gut and my instinct that this doctor was missing some important pieces.

That is when I decided to take my health back into my own hands! I discovered that it was nutrient deficiencies and a malnourished body that left me with all those horrible symptoms. Sure, I could have taken the Celexa and felt calmer, but that would not have resolved my hair issue, my fatigue, and even my panic attacks considering those were all due to my imbalanced body nutritionally. With some improved eating habits and supplementation, many of my symptoms improved.

However, it was not until I truly discovered I had a leaky gut that was the root cause of my two steps forward two steps back rollercoaster of ride for several years. It was not until I thoroughly addressed my gut and liver health that I began experiencing sustainable health results.

When I healed my gut, I healed my life!

I want to inspire you to feel WHOLE again by loving yourself enough to finally get to the root cause of your health issues. I now share the exact program that restored my health with my clients. We, of course, customize it to your unique body. I am so confident you will experience this rejuvenation of energy and vitality just like I did. I never imagined a day without anxiety and here I am now 5 years later still free from it! I wasn’t crazy after all. I was just malnourished!

Let me show you the path to your own freedom. Are you ready?

Click here to allow me to share how I can help you make the change you are looking for.

Certifications & Accreditations 

  • IIN Certified Health Coach

  • IIN Hormonal Health Specialist

  • Certified Gut Thrive in 5 Practitioner

  • Integrative Health Practitioner Level 1


Are You Ready to Rewrite Your Own Story?


Don’t Put Off Your Better Days Until a Better Day.