Have you even heard of Adrenal Fatigue? If not, you are not alone. It is often not discussed and goes undiagnosed, even though many silently suffer from it. Yes, extreme exhaustion is just one of the common symptoms of this issue. For this reason, many folks just chalk it up to getting older and a way of life as we age.
The adrenal glands are two little glands located just above our kidneys. They control hormones that help our bodies respond to stress. When healthy, they help us combat stressors, whether physical, mental, or emotional, on a daily basis. Problems arise when our system is dealing with chronic levels of stress day in and day out, resulting in exhausted and depleted adrenals. This leads to a multitude of symptoms, including anxiety, depression, thyroid issues, brain fog, and the list goes on and on.
I, personally, have dealt with this issue far too many times. I want to bring awareness to people so they, too, can begin healing. It is much more complicated than meets the eye, and each case is very unique to the individual as far as the root causes. It is important that you consult with your doctor to get proper testing. The Complete Stress, Mood, and Metabolic Test is what i recommend to my own clients as a way to know if their body is experiencing adrenal dysfunction. Western Medicine is not as in tune with this syndrome, unless it falls on the extreme ends as Addisons or Cushings Syndrome. By that point, the recovery time is much longer. So, catching it early on and taking the proper protocols can help tremendously!
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One of my favorite programs that can start a healing process is my 6-Week Health Coaching Package that combines my 7-Day Detox with Revitalize 28-Day Transformation Program. This is the perfect package for the individual who wants to begin addressing their gut, thyroid, and adrenals but not quite ready for a 12–16-week program.