The Five Critical Elements of Gut Health Function

Our Gut has five critical elements, or defenses, that it truly needs for healthy gut function…

In order from the outermost layer of defense, they include:

  • Mucosal IgA
    Otherwise known as immunoglobulin A, this antibody found in the mucous membranes is considered your gut’s first line of defense against toxins.

  • Tight Junctions
    These are small proteins that are responsible for holding the gut’s cells together. This is what is most directly affected by leaky gut syndrome.

  • Gastro Associated Lymphoid Tissue (GALT)
    This is the gut’s concentrated immune system and in fact, 70% of our immune system altogether. This the gut’s last and most powerful layer of defense.

The gut’s accessory defenses include:

  • Friendly Bacteria
    As we mentioned, we have more bacteria in our bodies than we do our own cells. These bacteria can communicate with the GALT warning it of potential danger.

  • Stomach Acid
    This is absolutely essential for the digestion, absorption of nutrients, and defense against infections.

If there is any dysfunction throughout your gut’s line of defense, these five primary barriers need to be evaluated in order to heal and be treated properly.

The Beginning of Functional Treatment

The first step of healing is ruling out the fundamental causes of leaky gut. It’s important to recognize that it is very rarely ONLY one cause, but a combination of several causing the damage

You must first rule out, or begin to recognize, the following:

  • Vitamin deficiencies by functional nutrition testing

  • Infectious pathogens by blood and GI tract tests

  • Heavy metal toxicity by urine or hair testing

  • Gluten sensitivity through HLA-DQ genetic testing

  • Environmental allergies via skin or blood tests

If any of these come back positive, you have your first step of instructions: address the deficiencies, implement dietary changes, limit exposure to allergens, and consider detoxification methods.

Once you have a better understanding of your body’s unique needs, you can begin the formal functional medicine protocol: The 4 R’s.

The 4 R program is administered to help you heal from digestive distress, reverse gut complications, and rebalance your gastrointestinal microbiome. It is an incredible tool to acknowledge and treat health issues, dysfunctions, imbalances, and personal health needs.

It is done in the following order: (GT5 adds a 5th step)

  1. REMOVE:
    Eliminate problem foods, toxins, low-grade infections, and oxidative stress.

  2. REPAIR:
    Begin reintroducing a clean diet with essential nutrients your body needs.

    Repopulate your gut with healthy bacteria to restore the proper balance of gut flora.

    Replace digestive enzymes, antioxidants, and immune-boosting vitamins to promote sustainable and healthy digestion.

  5. 80/20 LIFESTYLE
    Gut Thrive in 5 adds a fifth step in that I teach you how to go about living life and enjoying things in moderation while maintaining the results of the hard work put in during the program.

We, as functional medicine practitioners, are trained in this protocol and enthusiastic about making sure your individualized needs are addressed during the process.