Is My Gut Health Related to My Skin Health?

The Microbiome Connection

In functional medicine, one of the main things we consider when analyzing someone’soverall health is the health of their gut.

Our gut contains loads of bacteria, some good and some bad. When the amount of bad bacteria grows, your body responds by sending stress responses throughout the body. These stress responses can act out in a number of ways, one of which is by presenting through skin issues like acne.

When thinking about gut health, ask yourself if you’re experiencing any of the following


- bloating

- fatigue

- headaches

- other skin issues like eczema

- constipation or diarrhea

- depression

- widespread inflammation (like in the joints)

While some of these symptoms may seem vague, they could also be signs of malabsorption, bacterial overgrowth, leaky gut, or food sensitivities.

If you suspect that you’re dealing with some gut issues, try an elimination diet. Incorporating a high-quality probiotic as well as a supplement that helps combat inflammation, like fish oil or an omega-3, can be beneficial.

If you have symptoms of IBS or other intestinal related issues, spend some time looking into FODMAPs:

Do you have more questions about how your diet could be affecting your skin? Shoot me a message, and let’s talk!