Do you know your triggers?
Millions of people are affected by migraines. Getting to the root of the problem will help SOLVE the problem, whereas treating symptoms merely equates to putting a bandage on the issue. Let’s take a look at some common underlying causes of migraines.
Common migraine triggers include:
Sensitivity to foods, such as gluten, peanuts, dairy, or eggs. By removing trigger foods fromyour diet, you may eliminate migraines.
Hormonal imbalances, for example, premenstrual migraines caused by imbalances in estrogen and progesterone, can be triggered with excessive alcohol, sugar, flour, and starches.
Nutrient deficiency of magnesium or riboflavin can cause migraines, and can easily be corrected with diet or supplements.
If you struggle with migraines, here are some of my favorite remedies:
magnesium glycinate
400 mg. of vitamin B2
peppermint essential oil combined with a carrier oil rubbed on the temples.
“The best six doctors anywhere and no one can deny it are sunshine, water, rest, air, exercise, and diet.” -Wayne Fields