Yes! You can shrink your fat cells with food!
Did you know that toxins, whether food or chemical related, store themselves in your fat cells?
According to Liver Doctor ,
“If you are struggling with excess weight and fatigue, plus a very sluggish metabolism, the best thing to do is a detoxification diet. Of course, you should see your doctor for blood tests and a physical examination to test your thyroid function, as a sluggish thyroid gland can present this way. Also check your liver with blood tests and an ultrasound scan as it may be fatty. A fatty liver is an obstacle to weight loss and good health because it is storing fat and toxins. Improving your liver function is often the trigger for easier weight loss and higher energy.
It can be very disheartening if you go on a low-calorie diet but aren’t getting the results you’re looking for. Toxins overload the detoxification pathways in your liver and also block enzymes that burn fat; we must begin in the liver which the Chinese call the General of the Army of the Body.”
What does this mean?
It means you are left experiencing water retention, puffiness, loss of muscle tone, and, ultimately, weight gain.
It is inevitable to completely shield ourselves from every toxin in the world. There are simply too many that we will be exposed to on a daily basis that are out of our control.
But what we CAN do is eat foods regularly that support our liver in its role of detoxification and participate in a seasonal detox that incorporates all those healthy, colorful foods that help pull those toxins out of the fat cells and out of our body!
When we think of “detox,” we think juice cleanses and clean eating, but detox is so much more than that!
From your laundry detergent to your night cream, from the relationships you have to the tools you cook with, toxins can be found more readily than you might imagine.
The process of detoxification refers not only to eliminating toxic elements from your life but also refers to the incorporation of positive elements.
Take some time to consider HOW toxic you think your lifestyle is as it stands today. Ask yourself these questions:
Do I read labels before I bring a product into my home or put it on/into my body?
Do I suffer from any digestive related health issues?
Do I suffer from any breathing/respiratory-related health issues?
Do I experience skin sensitivities?
Do I experience high levels of stress?
If you answered no to the first question and yes to any of the following questions, it’s quite possible that you’ve been exposing yourself to toxins that are affecting the health of your body.
My goal is to help you get to the root cause of your issues and help you regain true wellness. Check out my Programs page to see if one resonates with you and your needs. Then schedule your Free 20-Minute Phone Consultation here to get started!